All privacy data handling in Europe and related to EU residents are governed by the Data Protection Act 1998 (The DPA) and GDPR. Electronic Marketing and Advertising in Europe is administered by The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations from 2003 (commonly known as PECR). This mandate generally covers marketing using the telephone, fax, email, SMS text, picture messaging etc.
The GDPR and PECR are privacy balancing counterparts and are the relevant regulations relating to the Telephone Preference Service (TPS), Corporate TPS (CTPS) and the Fax Preference Service (see associated registers in each EU country). ePrivacy is due to replace PECR probably in 2020-21.
GDPR applies every time you ‘process’ personal data, when an individual is directly or indirectly identified with a name, telephone, contact details, email (private or company i.e. professional or personal capacity) Always tell ‘people’ what you are doing with their personal data, what is the purpose, the statutory basis, how long do you plan to process it, and who will you share it with GDPR and the relationship with Sales, Marketing, Communications, B2B and related issues will be discussed during the workshop.